
Saturday, June 25, 2011

This Little Piggy

Ninety degrees in the shade, crispy-fried back yard grass, skin that pinkens from a moment of midday sun -- yes, summer has arrived at Heavenly House.  But all is not lost.  A blessed covered porch still shields us from the long, scorching days.

Random neighbors and friends feel obliged to take advantage of its cooling canopy above and smooth cement below.  We let them stay as long as they behave themselves, and in this heat, they mostly do.  But only because it's too hot to be bothered with moving.

More importantly, we keep them around because they are somewhat entertaining during these still, thick days.  For example, where else but in the porch's neglected flower beds, can one find a wallowing piglet? 

He certainly has the life, doesn't he? 

Little girls to fill his pit with cooling mud whenever they see a need.  (And they see the need every few minutes.)  Shaded, plenteous dampness; all the basic, luxurious requirements for a day of wallowing.

It's really too bad that he decided to explore. 

Neighborhood cats have no scruples, you know, when it comes to stealing someone else's bacon, mud-covered or otherwise.

This little piggy really should have stayed home.


  1. Poor little pig, but that cat is seriously precious. I'm glad to see you and the girls are staying cool and having fun!

  2. I was getting SO excited because I thought there was going to be a REAL piglet!

  3. Haha! Like Lucy, I thought that pig was real. So real that I saw the last picture and thought, "That is the smallest pig I have ever... WAIT A SECOND." Clearly, Lenae needs to go to bed :D

  4. I thought the piglet was real too! Until I saw the last picture with the size of it in comparison to the cat... haha, maybe I shouldn't read blogs after 2 a.m.!


Hmm...And how did that make you FEEL?