
Friday, November 12, 2010

It's Not Safe Here

Lauren: *whining* Mamaaaa!  I got hurt on my leg and, and, and I NEED a band-aid!

Mama: Oh, sweetie!  Can I see it?

Lauren: Yup.  It's right here...*pointing to both knees*.  THIS is my boo-boo.  See?  I need a band-aid!

Mama: Hmmm.  I don't see anything, honey.  What happened?  How did you get a boo-boo?

Lauren: I just...I just...bumped into a crocodile!!  Can I have my band-aid?


  1. You have to watch out for the crocodiles.

    My niece has turned into a wild biting deer recently. So, watch out for the wild deer too.

  2. Bumped into a crocodile! If that doesn't call for a band-aid, I don't know what does! She's too cute!!

  3. Really, she deserves a band-aid for that genius stroke of creativity there! Or do you really have crocodiles sneaking about your house? You do live in the "south," right? I'd say you'd better be on the lookout!

  4. Oh Sarah! :) We are so obsessed with band aide's around here, that I would NOT be surprised to hear that around here!
    At least she's creative :)

  5. We are all out of bandaids at the moment. The imaginary wounds depleted us. Hopefully we don't have any real wounds before we get to the store!

  6. Bwahahahaha!!

    It isn't safe there, is it? ;)

  7. Oh no! Not a crocodile! Yikes!

  8. A crocodile? Did she smile at said crocodile? For if she did, then that boo boo was indeed coming. For we learned to never smile at a crocodile at an early age. And although a band aid may help with her crocodile ouchie; learning the lesson is the most important factor in this here scenario.

    he he he... I gave Domo a band aide yesterday for a "bee-sting" aka carpet burn from dragging his truck across the floor. These kids, I tell ya...

  9. Oh yes. I often thought that we should have stock in a band aide company, we went through so many of them when the progeny were young. Oh the injuries! Anything could be cured with the application of a band aide.

  10. SO cute, just love that Lauren!!


Hmm...And how did that make you FEEL?