
Friday, January 2, 2009


Hope you had a Happy New Year! Our eve was quiet...and perfect. I've been getting too little sleep lately (what with toddler nightmares and sickness) and the prospect of staying up until midnight on purpose wasn't too appealing this year. I feel old.

So we just stayed in and watched a movie. I told Justin to not even try to wake me up for a midnight kiss. He'd probably have ended up with a midnight elbow to the ribs.

We did decide to come up with some resolutions though, so our New Year's celebration wasn't totally forsaken. Now, in writing these down, I'm hoping to be able to follow through. Not that they're too difficult - I'm just lazy.

Here they are:

1. Floss my teeth every day. Justin mocks me with his good flossing habits. I must keep up.

2. Update the checkbook, and pay bills weekly. I get behind too often, and it's getting out of hand. Surely if I'm old enough to skip the midnight ball-drop, I'm old enough to be consistent with bills and the checkbook.

3. This one is a joint-resolution with Justin. We'll clean up the kitchen every night after the kids are in bed. Hallelujah, glory-be. I LOVE that he's willing to help. This one has my name written all over it. I am a stay-at-home mom, after all - I should be able to do this myself. But...but...see above...I'm lazy. And it's just so much more enjoyable as a team. Isn't this a great selling point for marriage? To have a handsome man help clean the kitchen?

4. Get a haircut. Preferably on a regularly recurring basis. Preferably starting soon.

There. Now, help a girl out. What are your resolutions? There's still time to add more to my list if some of yours are better.

Have a great weekend!

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Hmm...And how did that make you FEEL?