
Monday, February 13, 2012

Justin's Hey Girl

Because tomorrow is Valentine's Day.

And because I laugh for hours (hours) at the Ryan Gosling jokes.

And because my husband is super hot.


And because today is a snow day and these photos have a little bit to do with snow.

I have decided to share a bit of bloggy fun, Hey Girl style.

That is, Justin style.

It's my early Valentine's Day present to you all, my dearest friends....

After I made these the other day, I quickly posted them to Facebook because instant gratification makes me happy.  My handsome Justin kind of gets the Ryan Gosling jokes, and better still, he plays along. 

See Exhibit 1.  My Bigger Picture Captures photo of last week, where the prompt was 'Sweet'.  I happened to knock over a BRAND NEW strawberry milkshake, and snapped a quick photo.  See what happened next?

My friend Brook gets it.  I think Justin gets it.  (I don't think most of my Facebook friends get it.)  I hope you get it!  Because Valentine's Day Eve deserves some laughs!


  1. Oh my fun! Love this--both the play on the Hey Girl and a little peek into your marriage. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hahaha! That's hilarious! I saw them the other day when you posted them, but I did not see Justin's response to your spilled milkshake! That man's a genius!

  3. Ha! I'm still telling friends about this. But they just look at me like I'm nuts. I still think if he really wants to be like RG he needs to show his abs. ;-)

  4. Love it! Hey Girl's are hilarious!

  5. LOVE. THIS! You guys are hilarious!

  6. Hey, Girl,
    This was FABulous :)

    You have a cutie there X

  7. You know, I don't even know who Ryan Gosling is (apparently I am unforgivably out of touch! How am I going to move back to the USA??) but I think these are HILARIOUS! I keep coming back, just for the laugh!

  8. Even I, so far in the boonies we don't get much of anything: I get it! And I think his FB was PERFECT! And yes, he is very handsome. This was great.

  9. I'm so glad you guys are laughing with me! And Emily, you should click the links -- some of the Ryan Gosling jokes are terribly funny!


Hmm...And how did that make you FEEL?